Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Aware of Many Issues

I wasn't going to write about this, I had no need, nor any want to, because it didn't affect me in any particular way. But. Then you meet complete idiots on trains, and then bam, now I need to rant about it.

No Make Up For Cancer Awareness.

Why are people criticising this? It's awareness... and people are definitely becoming more aware. That's the point. I guess I forgot that not everyone can just hold back on their completely unnecessary opinions.

I was on the train, talking with my friend, and I happened to mention the copious amounts of selfies on my Facebook feed. I didn't state whether I liked it or disliked it, just merely stating what was there.

"It's ridiculous, ain't it?" came the voice from the seats beside us.

What? Ridiculous that people want to raise awareness for cancer? Geez, yeah, I know what you mean. Totally ridiculous. Who would want to do that now, how pointless.

I didn't say that, however. I had no intention of starting a fight on a train.

"Who wants to see a load of women without their make-up on" it continued. As if he actually had a valid argument. At that point I was getting a little agitated.

"You don't think that's a bit rude? I stared at him. Why shouldn't people post pictures without make-up on? Does it offend you?" I questioned.

He took it back, "Only joking", he said, a smirk on his face. I was not okay with that. I told him so. "Calm down" was the response I got, repeating "I was only joking". In all honestly I'm surprised he didn't question my annoyance at him being something to do with my menstrual cycle, so utterly neanderthalic was this creature.

My friend made the point, "Isn't it just like Movember though?". Which I felt was a true statement. Apparently not...

"Movember is completely different though, it requires effort". Right, okay. Natural biological occurrence must be incredibly difficult (Although I wouldn't wish to offend those who are follicly challenged in that regard). To be honest, that wasn't even my issue. I don't deem levels of awareness higher than one another on some fucking scale of worthiness. Because it is just that, awareness. And if it works, it works. But in some ways, you know, it is different. There are double standards when it comes to cancers, when really there shouldn't be.

Yes, I will admit, that there's more productive ways of helping. Taking selfies with no make-up will not cure cancer. But you know what? That isn't even the point. It's awareness. And if someone, from this, now takes the time to check themselves, it's done its job. I also understand that some people may be doing it for attention, to receive the obligatory "Omg!! You look so good without make-up! So natural and beautiful!!" but then again, why shouldn't people feel good about how they look? What is so wrong with that. Please tell me, I must be missing the issue here. For some people, it is truly a big deal to post a picture without make-up. Slating people, one, for how they look, and two, for raising awareness of an important matter, wow, you must feel so good about yourself.

Now, I'm not going to be taking any selfies myself, but please, please, taking the piss isn't doing you any favours, I can assure you.

I'm going for a nap.


Tuesday, 11 March 2014


I'll start by saying, I had the best birthday, and the most glorious presents bought for me. I may not remember a huge amount from my night out, but I can say I am extremely grateful for having such great friends who are willing to look after one another (At some point I will learn I'm a tiny woman and there's a certain amount of free drinks I can handle).

But anyway. One present sort of stood out a bit. I was surprised with tickets to Barcelona.

Which is really fucking epic.

And so, this last weekend, I spent my time eating delicious food, bathing in warm sunshine and generally relaxing whilst admiring some truly amazing scenery. Barcelona is absolutely stunning. The architecture is something I would recommend everyone go see.

I had the most perfect time, and I felt very spoilt. So thank you, truly.