Wednesday, 27 July 2016

"Straight White Boy" Texts

Sooo, now that I have graduated, I thought I would share with you some of the work that led me to achieving the first class honours I received.

First off, here is a picture of me in my hat:

For those of you who do not know, I studied English Language and Linguistics at Queen Mary University in London.

Now, I genuinely found it hard to believe that my dissertation seemed to go down well. Given the subject matter, I'm sure you'll see why. But, well, it did.

Thus, I thought I'd put it on here for general perusal. Perhaps it will make you laugh, perhaps you'll just wonder how the hell I managed to succeed academically with this. Well. You and me both.

The basic premise of my dissertation was that I was investigating what linguistic features were used within straight white boy texts - and whether this meant the "SWB" text could be constituted as a genre (defined from an ESP perspective, at least - see the full dissertation link below for more on this perspective).

The corpus I based this investigation upon came from this Tumblr blog.

To give a tiny bit of background information, the SWB text is defined by the blog runners as as message from a person:

“of any gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation that comes across a little too "keen" or "thirsty" or insists on sending unwanted nudes or inappropriately asking for them. Also the usage of terrible, crude, slightly hilarious pick-up lines” 

What I found within the corpus: there were certain features present that appeared to show the "Straight White Boy" text as a genre. This led me to come up with the table below. The table shows the "move types" present, alongside their definitions and examples taken from the corpus I created:

It was interesting to note several recurring features - of which allowed me to come up with the final rhetorical move structure of a "SWB" text: 

Thus, the straight white boy text as a genre.

I thoroughly enjoyed my three years at Queen Mary University. Linguistics is definitely my
thing. Other than syntax, that is. Plus the fact I can't really tell you just what linguistics is, 

If you were interested in reading the whole thing, which provides a little more detail and
context, check it out here

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


I've visited Crete once before, back in my childhood.

The halcyon memories of youth were not muddied whatsoever. Crete was just as beautiful and as gorgeous as I remembered it.

We visited the palace of Knossos, went on a boat tour, got lost and ended up at one of Crete's many gorges, and picked up Canadian hitchhikers.

It was very fun.