Tuesday, 5 November 2019

On Not Going to Plan

There was a time where I had the idea of posting monthly on this here blog - and it worked - for a while, anyway. But, well, sometimes things don't go to plan. You'll notice I haven't been around since the August. I truly don't believe it's November, where did the time go?

Many things have happened between then and now.

Lots which I shall not speak of, but also many wonderful things too.

I went back to Poland, and had a fabulous/messy time, involving very late nights and places that looked a little crack-den like.

Wrocław was very pretty and did not disappoint. Things didn't go quite to plan... but it was definitely a fun time.

Then of course it was back to France to enjoy the autumn session. Lots of emotions were felt. Goblins returned. It was an interesting time, even if things didn't always go to plan... ( like, if there were multiple fire drills, or kids having to go to the hospital, or wasp stings... or power cuts)


And since I have returned home, I have enjoyed spending time with my wonderful friends and catching up with camp pals where possible.

However, it's really nice to be on my own bed right now. At least, until New Zealand in a few weeks time... 

Should prepare for that, I guess. 

Hope that any of you who do read this are leading lovely lives and I'll make an effort to update y'all on my travels. 

I also figure if you don't have too much of a plan it can't go wrong.