Sunday, 23 June 2013


I've finished college now. So I've found I have a lot of free time. This, in turn, leads me to travel the realms of Omegle, searching for a decent conversation to occupy myself.

However, knowing the type of people who occupy Omegle, my plan of a decent conversation didn't exactly turn out as well as I had hoped. What did I expect?

The first type I stumbled across was sort of promising- they didn't immediately start masturbating, nor did they feel the urge to tell me how horny I made them. However, just a few minutes in and I was introduced to their poor grammar and creepy advances. "You hot". Well, thanks. Just don't correct yourself and still be completely wrong. It's not being a "brain box" that allows me to understand simple grammar and spelling.

I continued my search for decent conversation, as I clearly wasn't going to get any there. Browsing through a sea of penis, I stumbled across a blank screen. Well, it's better than a scary naked male, I thought to myself, so I gave it a go.

I guess not. I tried. But there comes a point where talking to a blank screen gets a little disconcerting and you do start to wonder the extent of masturbatory emission occurring on the other side of the webcam. So, again, I tried to find a decent conversation elsewhere.

At least this person tried a different sort of approach to the normal "U hot tits now", so for that, I commend them. Just not enough to want to sit around and chat.

Attempting more conversation, and even changing up my appearance slightly, I strived to find some good conversation. It didn't happen. No, I am not "hrny". I just want to talk about cats or something. And no, not that kind of pussy. 

So, trying to appear a little less sexually available, I buttoned my shirt completely and tried conversation that way. Didn't work. Strangers disconnected. Apparently, no flesh equals no conversation in the world of Omegle.

Sometimes I try to come across as a nice person, but then it all gets a bit too much and I can't cope and disconnect, which was the case with the lovely nippled stranger.

And, finally, the exhibitionist, the one who just wants to show you his penis. Thanks and all, but no. No.

The quest for decent conversation continues. Perhaps Omegle isn't the best place...

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Not What She Craves

Although secure;
an anchor is not
what she craves.

Her body needs
Exploring the potential.

A whole world
awaits her
as do other fish.
So stop drowning. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

A Dip into Spiritualism

So, this evening I went to a "Mystic and Holistic" event. Now, I can't say I'm a great believer in spiritual matters, and to most, I would probably be considered one of the worst people to attend such events. I'm really quite the cynic. Anyone who actually knows me will tell you this.

And this isn't to say I'm not still cynical and sceptical about such things. Because I am. My experience today didn't change that. I went for a tarot card reading. I'm not unfamiliar with the ways in which they work, so I decided I might as well. Plus, she seemed like a nice woman, so I had a go.

Here's the card selection I picked out: 

Now, what I was told was something along the lines of "You must take swift and decisive action about something" in reference to the Ace of Swords. She then went along with "And you will be victorious and celebrated for it" indicating the Six of Wands. The contradictory message I then got with the card Temperance was, "I must hold back and keep one foot on the shore". Basically she was saying that I have to get something done in order to achieve something else but not get too carried away with it.

So yeah. Really insightful stuff there. Thanks.

It's the beautiful vagueness I was expecting, if I'm honest. Fun, though, for the vain person in me who wanted to have someone talk purely about myself for a good ten minutes. And, she did say I had the potential to become famous. Check me out.

Here I've collected the meanings of the card if you were interested in going into a little bit more detail (Although to be honest, I wouldn't bother):

Ace of Swords

The power of the Ace of Swords can be drawn up by anyone whose heart, mind and will are strong. However, it is up to the bearer of the Sword to tap that potential and use it in a way that is beneficial for the greater good.

The Ace of Swords represents a period of great insight and mental clarity. It signifies a ‘break-through’ or an ‘aha’ moment where suddenly conscious understanding and mental reasoning reach their peak, and achievement of goals suddenly becomes a lot easier. You have a new understanding of some issue that has been of concern, or, in a broader sense, a new world view. This is a perfect time to clear away the fog that has kept you from seeing the inner truth, so that you can now cut to the heart of the matter. This is also a good time to act, and if you set your mind to accomplishing your goals, you can achieve anything you desire.

The Ace of Swords highlights a new idea, inspiration, original thinking and creative vision. It represents a point at which you have a new way of thinking and the energy to go with it. You are excited to pursue new opportunities that draw upon your creative and mental abilities.

The Ace of Swords also encourages you to seek out the truth of the matter and to find justice. You may be championing a cause or standing up for your rights or the rights of others. Thus sometimes, the Ace of Swords can suggest that you are prepared for ‘battle’. You have great clarity on a situation and can now argue your case with the view to come out victorious. You may have a new idea for which you are ready to fight, or you may be all fired up on an issue that you are particularly passionate about, such as human rights, the environment or your personal beliefs. This card invites you to use mental force and to use your intellect and critical reasoning. If faced with a challenging situation, you need to be ready for ‘battle’ and be prepared to find the strength to overcome these challenges.

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is all about success, victory and public recognition. Not only have you succeeded in achieving your goals, you are now being publicly acknowledged for your efforts and your results. You may have recently received an award, public acclaim or acknowledgement from your peers for the work that you have done. It may even be just a pat on the back or getting praise or recognition for your work. This instils a high level of confidence within yourself and gives you the strength to continue your efforts.

This card indicates that you have harnessed your strengths and talents in order to bring about a successful outcome in your endeavours. You have managed to get through the confusion of the Five of Wands, minimising your distractions, focusing on the task at hand. You have overcome the challenges along the way, and now you are focusing your energies on the one goal that will lead to your success. This is your time to shine and to come out on top.

The Six of Wands is such positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you have personally achieved and how this will be received by others. Do not let fear or guilt stand in the way of your success. You ought to feel proud of what you have achieved and not afraid to hold your head up high and feel worthy of others’ attention.

The Six of Wands focused on creating success and building your personal brand and reputation. You want to be successful at what you do but at the same time, you want to ensure that others know about it and give you the recognition you deserve. You may need to promote yourself more frequently by sharing your success stories with others and encouraging them to follow a similar journey. If you do not already, you will soon have some great success stories to share within your personal networks. You may even be interested in applying for awards or scholarships in order to build your brand and receive public recognition.

The downside to the Six of Wands is that it can also bring self-importance, arrogance and egotistical behaviours. With victory you may come to think that nobody can be better than you and you end up with an inflated ego and a big head. If you take on this attitude, someone is likely to want to take you down and criticise you, bringing disappointment and potential disrepute later on. If empowered by the energy of the Six of Wands, keep in mind how you would feel if someone made you feel inferior or put you down. Reign in your ego and make your victory all the sweeter.


Temperance indicates that you are learning to bring about balance, patience and moderation in your life. You have been able to take the middle road, avoiding extremes and maintaining a great sense of calm in your life. You have learned to keep calm in situations of great stress or anxiety, and you give the impression of being a swan, paddling madly underneath the water but appearing so graceful and elegant on the surface. You do not let things get to you, and you have found a place of peace where you can put things into perspective when things get hectic. Your respect for balance and tranquillity is what will help you to achieve and experience fulfilment in your life. Your temperament will be well balanced and you demonstrate good management and balance in your outlook on life.

The Temperance card reflects that you have a clear, long-term vision of what you want to achieve. You are not rushing things along; rather you are taking your time to ensure that you do the best job you can. This card also reflects a higher learning in what you are doing and demonstrates that you are learning a great deal on your journey. You are at peace with what you are doing and it is all coming together very well. Your inner voice is guiding you gently to the right outcome and you are patiently listening and following. You have a very balanced perspective on the situation at this time and you are in a very good position to make the right choices.

In relation to others, Temperance represents adaptation, coordination, and tempering external influences. You are able to work in harmony with others and there is a heightened level of co-operation in your activities with others. You are able to combine forces and join with others in order to bring it all together. There is a beautiful synergy at work that leverages the right mix of talents, experiences, abilities and skills.

Temperance asks you to be patient so that you can act with timing and precision. Patience and moderation will result in good management of all things. Do not feel that you need to rush, just let the situation evolve at its natural pace.

Temperance can also reflect a period of self-evaluation in order to re-examine your life priorities. You are now seeking a much greater balance between your inner and outer selves, searching for a higher meaning and purpose in life. Throughout this transition, you may also experience a clash between the old and the new you, sometimes feeling confused about which direction you ought to take and what is really important to you. You will evaluate seclusion, detachment and retreats as methods for accomplishing great things. You will avoid pain, conflict and distractions and lessen your stress and anxiety. Looking inward will re-charge you. There is nothing to fear, it is part of the process and without it change could not occur.

If you read all of that, I am proud of you and you're allowed a small hug/badly drawn picture of your choosing if you ever see me.

Sources: Tarot card meanings

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


The one problem I've been having with Omegle recently isn't the explicit content. It's not the vast array of multiple males masturbating. Nor is it the requests to show various parts of my body. Or even delightful suggestions that I should touch myself.

But in fact, the mere question of my existence.

Entering any conversation: "Are you real?".  

To which I reply... well, I don't know. They've got me questioning my own reality now. Maybe I'm not.