Sunday, 16 February 2014

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Rooting around my loft the other day, I stumble across an old box. And within this, I find a whole treasure cove of interesting goodies to set my eyes upon. One of them, my Mother's old diary from when she was fifteen.

So, (with her approval!) I thought I would share some of it with you.

It's brilliant how the angst of teens never really changes over time. Also, note, that I've kept all the original spelling and wording that she used. Keep it authentic, y'know. Please enjoy:

Saturday, 18th January, 1975

I brought diary today

Monday, 20th January, 1975

Paul good fun.
The writing on Steve's book ruined my day.

Tuesday, 21st January, 1975

Lee seems to be accidently...
Paul talking to her.

Wednesday, 22nd January, 1975

Hope I see him in Maths and that he talks to me.

(not insults)

He was away! Most probably bunking it.
I came home in morning. Stayed lated at school. Talking to teachers for a long while.
Dad came to get me as I was late.
I don't like eels.

Thursday, 23rd January, 1975

Plastic bags.
Wonder if I see him in assembly? I remember going through this routine before. I didn't think he was here today. Went home dinnertime after confusion with BOXES! After German on way to Maths bumped into him to which he grabbed or knocked against me. Well some people!
Rehearsals alright.
Now playing the part of French saloon girl.

Friday, 24th January, 1975

Paul wasn't at school.
Began my sea-horse in Pottery.
Hard French.
Feeling not particularly good.
A - for Pottery
A = Lee got.

Saturday, 25th January, 1975

Must do:      English


Don't forget English.
If time write a letter to Bethina.

Sunday, 26th January, 1975

Meet Lorraine at 6:30 outside Rio, hope Paul is there.
No he wasn't but it was good pity Jeff didn't come back.

Monday, 27th January, 1975

Horrid Day.
Night alright.
I hope he changes otherwise I'm going to have nothing to look forward to.
Lee unconsciously is getting involved with him.
I have gone off him.
Which is a pity oh well. See how things go tomorrow.
No I haven't. 

Tuesday, 28th January 1975

I think with a bit of luck my jealousy is coming back.

Terrible. Bad history result as well as bad Paul who ignored me I think it has something to do with Carrots.
Best lesson Chemistry! (although that had its moments).
French homework tough think I'll have to go back tomorrow night.
Feel really depressed hope something happens to cheer me up (PLEASE!).
I think I'm gradually diminishing.
Good badminton.

Wednesday, 29th January, 1975

Really the best day I had with Paul! HAPPY! Finished french.

Please let something good happen, either at work or at play.
I left my bag in metal work rushed to get it from Maths. Paul tried to stop me YIPEE! I wasn't going to dance as I thought I had homework. Hair greasy hadn't had a bath. However Lee phoned at 8 saying he was there. Rushed around didn't have time to wash hair got to dance at 8:27.

Saw Paul who knocked against me. After a lot of walking past each other flaunting and staring. Lee finally got up and pushed me towards him! I sat down opposite him and feebly said hello. I think his next words were 'Oh you've come to see me' but I couldn't hear very well because of the disco noise. I thought (I don't know why) that he didn't want to see me so I got up to go, he obviously wanted to see me for he put his legs around mind and refused to move so I sat down. The last record was unfortunately playing so we walked together out of the dance. He asked me if I'd been up the dance all of the time. I said no.

He went his way and I went mine on my own as Lee had disappeared! Before we went out of the dance hall he sat on a table I wish I'd sat there with him. I hope he does like me as much as I like him and if so that we do go out together not just one thing for him though. Very happy!

Thursday, 30th January, 1975

Please don't spoil it.

Hope I see him and talk to him (although its unlikely)

Saw him going towards Maths he said 'Hello Shortie'. Saw him also at hometime and he said 'Alright'.
Also saw him in Assembly though we didn't talk.
I think he likes me!
Did some Geography homework
Nice coat-cardigan (mum made).

Friday, 31st January, 1975

Definitely getting reports.
Hope I see Paul.
Yes we are getting reports.
Wonder what report will be.
Like oh well soon know.

Very happy! 5 A's out of 8 which everyone thinks is good. For other events see notes at back... 

And thus this is where I shall end my blog post. For now. I'll stick the shenanigans of February up at some point though!

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