Wednesday, 6 May 2015

2015 UK Election & Compulsory Voting

It's not just because I adore the man, but I feel Tim Minchin brought up one the most valid points about voting upon Twitter:

But it also brings up the question; just how much of a privilege is it to be able to be politically aware? If we look at things on a kind of Maslow's hierarchy of needs scale, where would engagement in politics fall? It's certainly not a priority for a heck of a lot of people.

Yet, it is still important. So many politicians rely on those who don't vote. I've seen a fair number of my acquaintances just say they cannot be bothered to vote, with the inevitable "It doesn't change anything for me!". But of course it does. That's the very nature of a democracy. We all have a vote. It's important we use it.

Although, I've also witnessed many "I don't know enough, so I don't vote". Which is saddening, but clearly there is a problem with the accessibility of politics. I do feel there is a lack of education on such matters. I vaguely recall being one of the only people to be able to name the main three parties in a citizenship lesson back in Year 7. Or perhaps one of the only people who was listening at the time. I don't know. The problem is there's people who don't feel like they should be voting because they don't know enough. So they can't be engaged. Maybe compulsory voting would aid this.

Of course, places like Australia that already have a compulsory vote have their own issues; but getting into Tony Abbott and how he is just a tad problematic is another topic altogether.

It's our right to vote. But it is also a privilege.

Or, if anything, take a look at these.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there... I know it'soft topic but I would like to continue our omegle conversation... :) I really had a nice chat a week ago, but my Internet connection thought otherwise... contact me on :) George
