Saturday, 5 September 2020

Open Up (Part 6)

Read part 5 here, or from the beginning, here.

Damian86: I don't think we're compatible.
Damian86: Although I'll admit there are a few decent songs.
Damian86: You're not off the hook tho.

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard. She didn't want him to dislike her music. But she was grinning. Curiosity got the better of her.

sexycici95: Which did you like, then? 

Another chat popped up.

sailorrguyyy: ahoy stranger! 

Ahhh. Shit. 

One of the few who pretended to be in the navy. They tended to be American. Although this particular character always put on a British accent if she was performing for him. It was never a very good accent.

sailorrguyyy: it,s been a while and i thought we should be reacquainted , i am feeling frisky after my time at sea now

She had also never understood his punctuation usage. Another thing that grated on her. Although at least he never called her baby. Only vaguely nautical-themed terms of endearment.

sexycici95: Oh, steady now sailor! Of course. How can I help you tonight? I'd love to rock your boat. 

Only a mild feeling of queasiness spread through Celia's body. Give them what they wanted, though. And you'd only reap the benefits.

sailorrguyyy: a quick show now , get me going like the clappers , maybe you can wear those cute socks of yours again hmm ? the blue and white ones ? i liked those a lot ... as you know ;-) 

sexycici95: Of course, I'll be right with you, Captain... 

Where had she put those socks? 

Opening her drawers, she rummaged through the various knee-high socks she'd acquired over the years. Such attire always seemed to get them going.

Yet another message popped up:

ilynoise78: Today I dreamed of taking a shit on your belly, take that dump and smear it on your pretty face before punching your clit like a punching bag until you piss

At least she could ignore that one. Fucking trolls. They'd really just go all out to get some sort of response from you. But honestly? Punching my clit? Christ. That one pained her. Her poor clit.

She needed to start the show with ol' sailor boy, he was always a high tipper, but she was dying to know what Damian had responded. But first things, first.

She had socks to find.


Read part 7 here.

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