Friday 20 September 2013


Today my brother, Carl, would have been 27 years old.

He would have been, accept he had a brain tumour. He died when he was five.

It's odd to think I would have had an older brother.

 We were discussing him, as a family. He was known as being extremely cheeky and caring. One of the tales that was shared was one of him telling my Nan, "I don't know what to do."... "I don't know whether to go up there and be with Lady (my grandparents dog) or to go down below and eat hot and spicy food". 

So he was quite the character. Another story was that one day, my brother ran excitedly towards my Nan, dragging her with him to show her something. She went along, wondering what he could be so eager to show her. Carl, looking satisfied, then proceeded to show her the biggest poo that he'd ever done.

Good work.

Happy Birthday Carl.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Summer 2013

It's approaching the end of summer, and I've had the best time. I am lucky. I am lucky to have amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend. Lucky to have people in my life who have shared these amazing experiences with me. I've visited the beach, swam in the sea, gone for picnics, watched the stars, gone to rooftop cinemas, and delighted in Reading Festival.

But now summer is drawing to a close, and I'm going to be starting university. Everyone is growing up, we're heading off on new paths in life. I feel so privileged to have known the people I did at college, it's been an incredible two years, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

It's impossibly daunting and yet incredibly exciting. Stepping into the world of adulthood. At least, sort of.

I love you people.