Monday 31 October 2016

Omegle Antics Continued

We all know I've had my fair share of encounters on Omegle. Heck, you're only here because you've most likely seen my previous Omegle follies. Or, perhaps, my other posts aren't nearly as much fun to you. That, or you miss the typical Joanne eye-rolling face which can be found in abundance whilst conversing on such a beautiful website.

I'm an Omegle veteran these days. I've battled long and hard (ha) through the fields of dick to provide you with some of the people I had the chance to speak to. Or at least, quickly "next". There's apparently little in the way of conversation coming from the site any more. Tis a rare find indeed to talk to someone longer than five minutes before there's some form of request for sexual gratification. (Although don't get me started on this...)

Let's just go through some of the conversations I had. And because everyone loves a numbered list (without looking too much like a clickbait article...) let us go from there.

Thus, here I compile my list of 13 "How Not To Have a Normal Conversation on Omegle"  (or... rather, what is in fact the norm for Omegle) screenshots:  

1) This guy who thought comparing me to my sister was a good way to go:

2) Breaking Grice's Maxims, particularly that of relevance: 

3) Promoting your fire mixtape:

4) The emotionless chest shot:

5) Referencing your state of erectile degree:

6) Further emotionless chest shots:

7) Proceeding to engage in sexual conversation regardless of whether the whole family might be watching: 

8) Stating your fetishes: 

9) Asking "is there anything I can do for you?"

10) Asking "wanna have some fun?"

11) Giving me this to ponder:

12) Creepy "doctor" justifying being creepy: 

13) Or just making obscene hand gestures:

All of these really do make me appreciate the rare gems you do find on Omegle. That's it from me and Omegle. For now. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016


Rome was definitely an amazing birthday present.

It was also one of the most architecturally complex and magnificent places I have ever visited. Many, many grand buildings. Lots of beautiful, stylish people. Yet with any city, it is interspersed with layers of poverty.

So many people trying to sell wooden bowls.

I had an amazing time. Visit, for sure.