First concert?
I've attended a few concerts in my time, and I actually can't really remember the first. It was either seeing Tim Minchin at the O2 or seeing a Teen Awards thing. Which sort of included acts such as Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, JLS... yeah. It was fun at the time.
First celebrity crush?
David Bowie playing Jareth the Goblin King in The Labyrinth. Those tights.
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This isn't the first time I've blogged about the bulge. |
First word?
I asked my Mother, she came back with the response "Aren't most childrens Mama or Dada or something?" Makes me think she doesn't actually know. Pfft. I'll record every detail of the words spoken by any offspring I bare. Christ, I'll know if they're producing allophones of the same phoneme or not. #Linguistics
First pet?
My dog Kaz was just one of the first pets. He was lovely. We also had an aquarium of tropical fish, they were such fun to look at.
First phone?
It was a delightful Nokia brick-esque phone.
First car?
Yet to actually own my first car. However. Suzuki Wagon R+ is a little cutie.
First tweet?
I don't know. Nor do I care to roam back into the days of my first tweets. It was probably something very 14 year old fan-girly.
First YouTube video?
I don't particularly feel like my first YouTube video is something worth sharing. It's really quite painful. However, all of my videos I've made are available here: Why
First facebook profile picture?
Really, do you wish to see?
First alcoholic drink?
Me and my sister drank a lot of Martini and lemonade as children. Our grandparents were just trying to teach us things. Y'know. Like don't drink too much.
Who was the first person to text you today?
My delicious partner.
Happily coincides with who first text me as well.
Who was your first teacher?
Well, in reception class, there was Miss Worland and Miss Bailey. In reception I also put a sunflower seed in my ear which didn't actually come out until I was in year six, but hey, that's a different story.
Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
Who was your first best friend & do you still talk?
The one, the only, Natasha Kelkar, and she still holds the title of best friend. BFFLSWWF5. (Best Friends For Life Since We Were 5)
Where was your first sleep over?
Um, probably at Natasha's? Gurl, do you remember? Probably in Year 4. Think I had a toy spy set. That was fun.
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Go back to sleep for a bit.
What was your first broken bone?
Broke my left elbow attempting to copy my sister on our climbing frame. That'll teach me. (Well no it didn't, did it Joanne? You also broke your wrist the following year copying her).
What was your first piercing?
What was the first foreign country you've visited?
Spain! Well technically I was in the womb in Cyprus so I sort of visited there first. But otherwise it would have to be Spain.
What was the first movie you remember seeing?
The Rugrats movie probably? I don't actually know. Hmm.
First kiss?
Well I kissed a few guys back in my primary schools days in a few heated rounds of kiss chase. But like, a kiss kiss... that happened when I was fifteen at a friend's 16th birthday party. I maybe had a bit too much to drink and therefore hello other person's mouth. Oh dear. Not a fun time. Much regret.
First date?
My first official date was extremely standard in that it involved Nandos and yeah. Nothing spectacular. But I enjoyed it at the time I guess.
First book you remember reading that you enjoyed?
I will always, always, love "Feeling Sorry for Celia". Very good book. Yes. So many books I could suggest though. I had a book made specially for me with my name in it and stuff. That is a special book to me.
First love?
I've only ever been in love with one person and that is the person I am with now. Yes.
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